المدونات والأخبار

Host Click هي شركة رائدة في مجال حلول استضافة الويب موصى بها بواسطة WordPress.org. منذ تأسيسنا في عام 2003 ، ابتكر Host Click باستمرار طرقًا جديدة لتحقيق مهمتنا: تمكين الأشخاص من الاستفادة الكاملة من الويب.


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How to use WooCommerce to make money on WordPress

Making money through your WordPress site with an eCommerce plugin seems like a no-brainer. You sell stuff, right? When people think of eCommerce, they often connect it most with online stores that sell products. It could be some local shop that sells hummingbird feeders online, or a large popular retailer.


How to Create Your Freelance Brand [5-Step Guide]

Ready to start freelancing or step up your freelance game? Build your brand! Branding matters because it helps you stand out from the competition.


How to Build a Subscription Service Website

You probably instantly recognize the three brands listed above as three of the hundreds of successful e-commerce subscription services on the market.


5 Awesome eCommerce Product Pages to Inspire Your Own

Product pages aren’t just any ol’ page you put on your website. You can’t expect shoppers to buy your products with a simple description and a blurry image.


How to Find & Fix Your 404 Pages

When your users land on a 404 page, it can cause frustration. It makes your visitors more likely to leave your website, and high bounce rates can hurt you when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization). And if you have too many links that lead to 404 pages, it makes it look like you don’t take your business website seriously and aren’t worthy of trust.


404 Oopsie! IDK where that is.

In this article, we’ll show you how to find a blogging niche, how to choose the right blogging platform, name your blog, choose a hosting provider, build out your site, publish your first post, and more.


difference between VPS & Dedicated server

Because VPS hosting offers only a fraction of the total resources of a dedicated server, it’s cheaper for you to use. Depending on what you’re using the server resources for, you should balance cost with performance requirements.


talk about our strength at management

Managers and supervisors guide their teams most effectively when they are strong and confident leaders. Like any employee, however, a manager can be more skilled in some areas than others. It's important to understand which strengths and weaknesses apply to you as a supervisor so you can maximize your strengths and develop your weaknesses.


Five Key Differences: VPS vs Dedicated Hosting

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a virtualized environment derived from partitioning a physical server into multiple independent instances. Each VPS functions autonomously with its own OS, resources, and configurations. Positioned between shared hosting and dedicated servers, VPS provides users with enhanced control and customization at a more cost-effective level than dedicated hosting.